
My ameba pigg character

Hello there!

My name is Fifi Lupin, but you may call me Fifi or Pipi* (my teacher often call me 'pipi kanan-pipi kiri' and i dont understand why).

I was born on 5 January* half of Minangkabau and Javanese. Right now, i'm 17 years old.

I have a lot of  hobbies, for example; reading, writing, drawing, watching movies and sleeping #hiyaa 

I'm also Anime-fan. But i don't call myself  'otaku' or 'weebo' because i don't like that. As Anime-fan, i posted doujinshi's on tumblr.com and a lot of stories on fanfiction.net (and it's a secret *lah)

I'm a part-time cosplayer/coser. Usually come to Anime festival or something like that. Mostly in Surabaya #akibatbokek  

My favorite color is pink (obviously wkwkwk). Not just baby pink or pastel, but ALL PINK COLORS. Though, i used to hate pink :p

I also like 90's anime (especially sailormoon), nasi padang, dinosaurs, miraculous ladybug and—
And, i really realllyyy reaaalllyyyyy loves Sasuke Uchiha!

He was my first anime crush since 2007. Back then, i was just a first grader at elementary school 😂 LOL. 

I mean,  he's a very interesting character (apart from his handsome look  and that chicken butt-hair style 😂). He's SO STRONG, and he looks so mysterious. IDK why but i kinda like it. Maybe it's because i love to talk so that i like someone who is quiet and a good listener. But i don't think that Sasuke is a good listener xD 

Also, he's a badass

Man, I always wanted to be saved by a cool-badass-boy like those action movies lmao. I think it's fun(?) 😎 *efek kebanyakan nonton jurassic park* 

Anyway, that's all I can say now, thank you for visitting! 

 Cheerio 💖

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